Friday, March 14, 2008

MARCH - still in Hong Kong.........

Well it's less than 2 months until I am no longer a Hong Kong resident (!!!) which is both sad and really exciting at the same time. The mixed emotions are a result of the wonderful 4 years I've had living here combined with the anticipation of our travels ahead where eventually we'll finish up in Sydney!!! (this is rather exciting for me but george isn't too fussed since he has always lived there!)

Anyway the next 7 weeks are to be spent enjoying this fab city, spending time with my lovely friends and packing!!! So to start the ball rolling on this travel diary I thought I'd show you all the view we've had from our window for the last two years (thats for everyone that didn't quite make it out to visit me!!!) - I will miss it, but not the nasty neighbours who throw rubbish out the window - TRUE (and we live on the 14th floor!)

I did think of putting our travel plans up for all to see but then decided against spoiling the surprise!! you'll just have to stay tuned........May 6th is the offical departure date.

BTW the adventure ahead is supposed to be updated by both Georgous and myself..........DO NOT be surprised if you never see a post from George.......... he is too busy doing useful things(George) (GEORGE, you can't add things to my posts - stick to your own)


Unknown said...

Wow Im loving this Blog page!! Im impressed.. Although undecided if I'll stay tuned since I know the plans!! Joking!

Anonymous said...

George is cool.