Saturday, May 24, 2008

George's thoughts about the trip and about South Africa so far.

(1) Sitting in the middle of 30 mainland Chinese miners on a 13 hour flight can be a very smelly experience. I actually wore a surgical mask the whole way it was that bad.

(2) South Africa - beautiful country, shame about the people.

(3) Re (2) above - actually its not that bad, but South Africans are not the warmest people in the world (both black and white). And customer service everywhere is appalling - you'd think people would act like they care about their jobs with national unemployment over 25%.

(4) We survived Johannesburg, but still retaine a constant fear of being car-jacked.

(5) Kruger Park was awesome but leopards are really very hard to find. Stupid leopards.

(6) Ostriches can be dangerous, especially when you fall off them.

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