Friday, May 16, 2008

the story so far.........

ok so its been a while since we've had access to the internet as we've been busy tracking wild animals in KRUGER national park.........we proved to be very good at this and found everything apart from the elusive leopard!!

heres a quick rundown on our adventure so far.......
we started in Jo'burg one week ago, staying long enough to visit the Apartied museum, the Soweto township and to be scared senseless!! it is not advisable to go outside your accomodation after 5.30 at night when it gets dark, which makes it a really hard place to get to know as you feel caged in most of the time. anyway Jo'burg was a real experience and was good to start the trip with a really thourgh introduction to South afirca's "colourful" history.

Then we headed to De Wilt Cheetah reserve as we heard that it was virtually impossible to find a cheetah in Kruger...........little did we know that we would! anyway it was cool to see them up close and personal, while getting to stroke one (photos will come as soon as I can get to a good computer!)

Next to Kruger via Groskop - famous for its savoury pancakes and the 3rd largest canyon - tres bien. This is where I nearly fell down the side of the canyon and ended up with very attractive bruises and cuts from my knee to my ankle...........managed to keep the camera safe though - thats the most important thing!!! our last stop on the way to Kruger was Pretoria the capital where all the government stuff happens - and a lot of well off white people live.

Kruger was amazing, we had our own car and just drove and drove and drove (in intense sun) to find the animals..........its was so flamin hot I started to halucinate and shouting stop for a rhino when it was acutally a rock, or an elephant that was actually a tree!

For obvious reasons you can't get out of your car when your touring around, so we signed up for a guided walk. Your guides walk you through the bush and carry guns to protect you - don't know how effective that would be against a charging herd of breeding elephants! this also involved a 4.00 wake up, whcih amazingly I was able to do. I seem to be able to get up easier on holiday than when working - funny that!!!

Over all my view so far on South Africa is amazing country...........people could be a little friendlier though, but I guess that has a lot to do with their recent turbulant past.

Now we are catching the Greyhound bus to Port elizabeth to start the next leg of our trip..............a 17hour journey. doubt there'll be much to report on that!


Anonymous said...

photos look amazing!!!!!!! I'm thinking the lens was well worth the investment;)
Looking forward to seeing many more pics at P&G's wedding of the century!


Pamela said...

Umm please tell me that bird is not pecking at that giraffe open wound - eeeewwwwieee!!